Pedro St. James

WHERE: Savannah
WHY GO? Beautifully perched on seven landscaped acres of land overlooking the Caribbean sea, the national historic site of Pedro St. James takes you back in time to truly experience the Caymanian heritage, history and culture. Tour the 18th century great house with authentic artifacts around every turn, and your own personal tour guide, Mr Eden a true ancestor of the family who once called this place home. Experience the 3D multi-sensory theater to be transported back in time to Cayman’s colorful past and wander around the beautifully manicured grounds. Soak in the unrivaled ocean views and stumble upon the Queen Elizabeth II’s 60th Jubilee monument sitting on the lawn.
Take a rum tour at the Thatch & Barrel restaurant, enjoy a selection of delicious locally-made rums and spirits including the award-winning Seven Fathoms and the 1780 rum commemorating Pedro St. James.
A must-see venue for visitors to the island, you'll never know what you will find.