How To Set (and Stick to) Resolutions in Grand Cayman
Looking to a bright future! @zare_love_cayman
The central theme for many of us when trying to set new goals every year, is a general worry over which approach best suits our temperament, in order for us to have the biggest chance of success at keeping to them. A 'bite-sized' approach can often help when the goals seem larger-than-life, and you feel weak of will. Finding creative ways to stay motivated is key.
“Life is short, eat dessert first!”
Yes, life is indeed short, and it may be advisable to eat dessert first. What this popular misguided quote fails to add, however, is that if you balance eating desserts with a quick calorie-burning exercise, you may live longer. And living longer, means more time to enjoy said desserts!
Below we share some more insights on goal-setting for you to try before giving up on any of your hard-won efforts so far!
Make strolling down the whole of Seven Mile Beach part of your daily routine.
See the fun in the mundane
Create and design a daily program that excites you. Grand Cayman can be an indulgent arena in which to test your will power. The abundance of distractions on offer can be your friend or foe. Instead of having your usual morning coffee and cigarette, begin your day with a flavorful bite of local fruit from your local grocer or the fresh food market. Explore the Seven Mile Beach strip in search of a healthy bite, burning some calories in the process and taking in the scenic view on your journey.
Focus on singular problem areas.
We all feel the temptation to try and completely reinvent ourselves when embarking on a new year. Avoid this common pitfall by deciding on specific characteristics you'd like to improve on and address. Introducing a few minutes of exercise into each day may be the single issue you'd like to tackle. With a plethora of options available, whether it's yoga or learning how to SUP, a small change to your daily schedule is a reliable way of making lasting, observable changes.
Kindness is key
The enchanting aroma of local spices and mouthwatering meals around every corner in Cayman is an obvious distraction for anyone. If one of your goals is weight-loss or cutting out certain harmful foods, set small incremental milestones and treat yourself along the way! Positive reinforcement is a healthy way to begin a new mode of living. Counting coconuts and sipping cocktails may be all the reward you desire. Search for an unclaimed oasis in Cayman Kai, on a peaceful 400-acres in Grand Cayman's north coast. Or join the crowd in Cayman's premier resort district - Seven Mile Beach. You will have a better chance of sticking to your resolution if you're feeling excited about life generally and have new novel experiences to look forward to.
Heading towards your 2020 goals like....
Let experience guide you
Play into your strengths and weaknesses. This is the perfect time to embrace all your faults and flaws- your usual basket of errors that have previously made NYE resolutions impossible. At the heart of some lifestyles in Cayman is the juxtaposition of idyllic landscapes and 21st-century indulgences. Instead of only seeing temptations rather embrace this variety as a chance to build a realistic framework for attaining personal development without sacrificing on the play and relaxation we all crave.
Setting resolutions may be a flawed method of self-help
Humans are complicated, often a paragon of mystery even to ourselves. Each of us with our own unique inner-workings. Goals with a time horizon of one year or longer such as getting a promotion, completing a qualification or attaining a certain physique is often a more comfortable perspective that still provides direction and purpose while eliminating some of the stress found in other near-term methods of self-help.
“The people who give you their food give you their heart”, and that’s especially true at the restaurants on Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman. Having visited the island with my family on eight different occasions during the last decade or so, I can honestly that I have been blessed with some outstanding meals at various eateries at this great location. The restaurants here are filled with passion, love and high-quality food. After a day resting in the Cayman sun, there is no better way to prepare for another day’s relaxation than to indulge oneself in a heart-warming meal on Seven Mile Beach. Here are some of my favourite restaurants on Seven Mile Beach, starting with a touch of Italy.